Behind The Scenes

Wanting a bigger view of our tiny plastic-based project? Feel more than free to take a look!

It took a lot of work to capture each picture for you to enjoy. Our church made from LEGO bricks has a vaulted roof that opens up to reveal the inside. This configuration allowed for great photographic flexibility. We had to get creative with book lights and lamp stands to get the desired lighting. Check out our setup!

Vesting minifigures

In the picture to the right, it looks like chalice is suspended between the priest's hands in a feat of delicate balancing. However, there was no balancing or even photo-shopping involved! Instead, we rigged a crazy system of poles from the top of the altar and suspended the chalice from above! The priest is not touching it at all; it is nothing more than the camera angle that makes it look like so.

Original... note the tic-tac on the host

The same technique as is shown above is used here, but we did photoshop it this time.

Final... no tic-tac!

Also, all of our incense effects are completely virtual. No real smoke is used! The picture on the left is the original, but the one on the right is electronically altered.

Previous Church Buildings

In the Beginning...

This is probably the first Lego church we built. The only evidence we could track down is its presence in the background of a five year old stop motion video.

The first one that we actually photodocumented

This Lego Church was a true Cathedral, since it had a Bishop's Cathedra, or chair. It boasted a massive bell tower, a rose window, and a large choir loft. It was completely unenclosed.

In the picture to the left, the organ and rose window are showcased. In the corner, you can see a little confessional! The picture on the right shows a reliquary chapel. You can see the bones of the saints through the grille!

Next, we built a tiny sanctuary without even any walls! This way, none of the pieces that were perfect for a high altar were lost or repurposed. In place of the previous church, we built a massive, totally enclosed castle (shown below).

For the next church, we spent most of our material to build a massive, roofed choir loft. As a result, there was not much left to build a very long structure! Nevertheless, we experimented with "stained glass". Unfortunately, it was overly ponderous and often fell apart.

We were able to construct a marvelous facade on this edition of our church. However, the attempted "ivy" was flimsily attached and was a constant nuisance.

In the choir loft, there was an overly-complicated organ with a "golden statue" perched atop it. Like the stained glass in the sanctuary, it was overly ponderous and the roof often collapsed. However, the choir loft floor never broke thanks to the sturdy arches beneath it!

The Altar is the same we use now, but we have a different and more improved sanctuary lamp.

This Church and Altar was the most recent configuration before the present one used by us here at Liturgical Legos.

Transition and Addition

All the churches that we have built have been located on our large stud-surfaced table. However, [at the beginning of 2021], we moved the church that has been the focus of this website onto a smaller platform. This move gave us significantly greater flexibility, as now we can put the church on any table that we like! You can read about this process in detail at our blog - here

Since then, we have also added some buttresses to the front section of the church.